Josh Samudre

IBD Community Advocate Josh SamudreJoshua Samudre is a fourth-year medical student at Tulane University in New Orleans. In 2015, he received a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. At the outset, Joshua was hesitant to share details of his condition, even with close friends and family.

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However, this changed when he decided to get involved with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. Getting involved with the Foundation transformed his perspective on IBD. He became a better advocate for himself and found a sense of connection within the IBD community.

Joshua's journey as a patient has been enriched by his experiences in advocacy and serving as a camp counselor for kids with Crohn's disease and UC. These moments have motivated him to advocate for those struggling beneath the surface and inspired him to pursue his dream of becoming a physician. Joshua’s personal experiences have given him a unique lens through which he views healthcare, and he knows they will be invaluable assets as he strives toward becoming a compassionate and empathetic healthcare provider.

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