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The Flu-2021

I really strive for myself to be at work every day. I teach 182 days a year, and up to last week, I had perfect attendance.

Of course, it is easier this year, as my commute is about thirteen steps down into my basement. Being in my house for most of the year has kept me germ-free.

When I am in the school building, I am always due for a sinus infection or a stomach bug. When I started to feel bad on Tuesday evening, I was surprised how fast the symptoms came on.

Increased urgency and other symptoms

Of course, my bowel frequency has increased. I had tons of urgency in my j-pouch, which demanded me to take some extra Flagyl. This antibiotic is used so I can lower the chances of getting pouchitis- inflammation of the pouch.

About half of patients with pouches get pouchitis, and about 30% (including myself), get “chronic pouchitis.” I thought it was something I was eating that maybe did not agree with me.

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By Wednesday, I had chills, backache, gastrointestinal issues, and a low-grade fever. By that evening, I had a 102.2 fever and I finally decided to put up the red flag.

Taking a sick day and tests from the doctor

I followed the necessary steps provided by my school district to call out. I was taking a “sick day.” The next day, I decided to call my PCP. He informed me that he wanted me to get tested for COVID-19, and swabbed for the Flu.

I didn’t think I had both, but what did I have to lose. I quickly drove to his office and sat in the car. Two nurses came out to my car and administered both tests to me.

My doctor made sure to tell me that I had to quarantine until I heard the results of the COVID-19 test. I do not have COVID-19, and I also tested negative for the Flu. So, what was it? What was going on?

Staying hydrated and rested for a viral infection

My doctor informed me that I had a viral infection that would take a few days to get out of my system. I was to stay hydrated and rested. He was concerned about my GI issues, and told me that if I was feeling worse, I should go to the emergency room.

He didn’t want to send me for blood work until the negative COVID-19 test came back. I didn’t blame him.

An update on how I'm feeling

Update- As I type this to you, my GI issues had resolved themselves. It was interesting as my wife and I were sitting down for dinner Thursday night.

She explained to me that she was looking up my symptoms, including a horrible neck ache I was experiencing. She was like, “You know, your symptoms, especially the neck ache, align 100% up with Listeria.” I looked at her and said, “You may be right, but I know that feeling of a food-borne illness.”

I have had it before, and I don’t have it now. Plus, I would be living in the restroom.  Now that I am symptom-free, I look back at that conversation and think about all the memories of my “Listeria Days.” How I got through that.. still boggles my mind!

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