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Community Words of Encouragement

We asked you, our community members, "Do you have any words of encouragement for getting through a bad day with Crohn's or colitis?". The responses we received were so powerful and heartwarming! Our hope is that you take away some strength and inspiration from your fellow warriors. We're all in this together!

Words of encouragement from the Crohn's and UC community

Words for self-care

"Rest and watch a movie or read a book, something to get your mind off of it. Think of the day as a gift, you get to rest and take care of yourself. I know it's not easy to relax when you are in pain. But, you can focus on something else and it will help. Good luck, this is a horrible battle.”

"Take a nice hot bath, light a candle, listen to soothing music and keep telling yourself, I didn’t ask for this, but I will not let it control my life to the best of my ability. It is what it is. Be grateful for the good days. YOU GOT THIS ♥️"

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"Do what you are comfortable with doing. Pace yourself, stay hydrated, try to De-stress. Find comfort in simple joys. A song, a movie, a book, feeling the wind in your hair, etc."

"Rest, use a heating pad, eat light and make sure you get your liquids. Do something that brings you calm like reading or watching something funny on tv or a movie."

"Be easy on yourself. Liquids, rest, books, movies, music. The world will still be there when you get to it. Self care is so very hard to learn."

"Find something to laugh at. Try to have a hobby."

"I'd say get all of the things that make you feel better! Hot water bottle, heating pad, foods/drinks to calm your gut, naps, a good movie or show to distract yourself from the pain and how crappy things seem."

"This too shall pass. It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass. Also, yes, take time for yourself and rest, and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. You can't pour from an empty cup."

Words for strength and hope

"Just know it's not your fault. Show yourself mercy and compassion as you would do to a loved one and always remember you are not your body and the soul is perfect and complete ❤"

"Remember that you are a warrior fighting a great battle. Remind yourself that you got this. When I have bad days and hurt that's what I focus on. All the battles and pain I have faced and made it through. That's what helps me the most on my bad days."

"Remember that there are moments of reprieve in every day, even if on the worst days, it's only for a few moments. Remember in those moments to breathe deeper & remember you are not your pain!"

"Trust your body and be very, very good to yourself."

"You will have better days. People do care."

"Keep on keeping on. I use to cry and then just start laughing. Like this is just a moment but it will pass. It’s different for everyone though! Also find what helps distract you. For me it was crocheting and watching movies I love at the same time. ?"

"Keep strong and never stop fighting! You'd be surprised, even on your worse day you will be okay. ❤️"

"Even though it feels like you are in the worst of the worst, you know you have been there before and made it through! There really is a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how small and far away it looks right now"

"When you overcome this day, and you will, you’ll be a testimony and encouragement for the next one who needs it ?"

"There is always tomorrow!"

"As easy as it is to give up? Don’t. Fight it tooth and nail.  #YOUGOTTHIS"

Share your words of encouragement below, we'd love to hear from you!

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