First Week at the New School
For those who don't know, I started teaching at a new school in my district this week. I was at a new school with new people and new schedules. I was at a new school where I would get a fresh start. I left a place where it became very difficult to work. I ran into a terrible flare last year, because of the stress. I knew as I entered this year, I had to have a clear mind. I had to believe that this year would be better. My positive vibes about my job will allow my Crohn’s Disease to stay at ease.
Worried about my schedule
The first week of school was easy as we only had meetings. There were no students, but I had the daunting task of setting up my classroom. I was worried about my schedule, as I heard that our mornings are long. As I sat through the initial meetings with the staff, I started to think about heading to the bathroom. Do I get up and just leave? Would I get “the look?” I knew that it would take me a long time to adjust to my new surroundings. I am not going to lie, I was nervous.
Long mornings and the bathroom
We did get our new schedule and they were right. I do have a long morning. I have my students in my classroom from 8:30 A.M. to 12:45 P.M. when they have lunch. After lunch, it is a breeze and I take my students right to a prep class. Finally, I pick them up at 2:15 and they are packed up ready to go home at 2:40 P.M. I know that after I drop them off for lunch, I can run to the bathroom. And if I need to again and again, it's okay as I have an hour and a half break. It will be the morning that will be a handful.
I do have a teacher’s assistant though that is in my room every single day from nine to twelve o’clock. Her purpose is to work with students who might need enrichment and to help assist students who are working on our computer’s reading program called Lexia.
I really felt reassured when a lot of my leadership team came to my room to see if I was ok. I had decided to sit down and tell them that I have Crohn’s. I told them that it really does not affect my day, but that I really need to use the bathroom at some point during the 4-hour stint of teaching. They were more than welcoming and came to my room numerous times throughout the week to see I was ok, and to relieve me in case I had to go to the bathroom.
Even though this past week had lots of half days due to the heat, I am ready to embrace this new school. I will work out the schedule in my brain so that hopefully I can get to a bathroom without any problems. Of course, I will keep a change of clothes in my car… just in case.
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