Staying positive during a Crohn’s Flare

Staying positive during a Crohn’s flare is always easier said than done. When my symptoms get severe, I truly can turn into the biggest grouch. Mostly because I am tired of dealing with the same old story over and over again.

The frustrations around yet another Crohn's flare

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2011, so 8 years of chronic illness gets old fast. You can almost predict what will happen to your body and most of all you can predict what doctors are going to do to treat you. Things get mundane fast and you can easily become frustrated with your chronic illness situation and the fact that things are looking like ground-hog’s day all over again.

I’ll be the first to admit that lately when I experience a flare, I spend the first couple of days moping around. I am annoyed that yet again, here I am dealing with the same old pain, fatigue, and exhausting bathroom visits. Thankfully I have family that helps me, so I am able to get away with relying on them for a bit, but snapping out of it can be a challenge.

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So how do you stay positive when dealing with your one-millionth flare?

Ideas to stay positive during a Crohn's flare:

1. Keep a gratitude journal

Every morning, write three things you are grateful for. I know it sounds corny, but if you stick to it, you will see your demeanor start to change. Doing this practice literally rewires your brain into thinking more positively. So crack open that journal when you wake up, and start listing out the amazing things that are happening in your life. If you focus on what is working, you will soon see that a big shift in your thoughts and perspective will occur for the positive.

2. Listen to music

Oh, the power of music. Music literally has the ability to change the atmosphere in which it is played in. So if you are struggling for positive vibes, play some uplifting music and you will see how your mood will change. Music is a powerful tool, don’t forget to use it to your advantage.

3. Laugh

This one is hard when you are struggling to just walk to the bathroom or can barely stand to take a shower. But, it is so important. It’s so true what they say, how laughter can be the best medicine. So, I encourage you to find ways to laugh. A good option is watching comedy specials on Netflix. There are so many to choose from and I know from experience, whenever I find a good one, those belly laughs can really start to make me feel better and forget about my current predicament.

4. Light exercise

Again, moving my body during a severe flare to exercise is the last thing I want to do. But, releasing endorphins is key to helping you feel better. So hop on Youtube and google light stretching or restorative yoga and try to do what you can. Even if it is just for 5 minutes, you will notice that you feel better!

5. Positive affirmations

Speaking positive words in the atmosphere is incredibly powerful. When you are down and struggling to stay mentally strong, saying positive affirmations can make all the difference. If you become disciplined in reciting them, you will soon notice a huge shift in the way you think. If you need ideas for positive affirmations, just head to Pinterest and you will be met with thousands of amazing phrases to recite.

So there you have it, some ideas on how to remain positive during a flare. What do you do to help keep you positive during severe symptoms? Comment below!

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