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Someone I Once Knew

I knew someone a while ago. She and I actually met in the hospital. She was special. She was sick. So was I. She wasn't the first person to understand me, but she was present. She taught me things, whether she knew it or not. She taught me to appreciate life. To appreciate the journey I've been given. It wasn't because her journey was harder, although in many ways it was. It was because of how she handled it. She taught me things I still use in life today.

An inspiration

I knew a girl who was an inspiration in her own way. She didn't need social media, hashtags, or followers to be special. She didn't need to feel validated by the number of likes she got on a post or how many shares she got on a picture. She was just real. She was herself. She had IBD. She also lived with many other conditions, but she didn't let that stop her. She loved life. She had a passion for the work she did and she wanted everyone to know it. But she didn't tell them via Facebook.

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We talked about everything

She didn't show her life on Instagram. She didn't need those things. I could see her passion for life the first time I met her. We met in the hallways of Carolina medical. We'd just had the same surgery, coincidentally by the same surgeon. I guess you can say he was pretty busy that week. We talked about him: how funny he was. How good he was at his job. We talked about everything.

I didn't know her very well, but oddly enough, I trusted her. I never trust anyone, yet there I was, telling her my life's story. Her room was just down the hall from mine. Every day we passed by each other's rooms. She was so kind. She couldn't walk well, but after the huge surgery I'd had, I couldn't either. We weren't the perfect pair of friends. Between us, we had bad legs and zero colons! But I don't think it's any kind of mistake that we crossed paths. There are some people in life you never forget. You may not keep in touch, but the moments you spend together are priceless and the lessons last a lifetime.

I don't know where this person is today

I knew someone a while ago that I really admired. I teared up a bit when she was discharged. I didn't think we'd be separated so soon. I miss her. I don't know if she thinks about me. I'm not sure if I impacted her life in the same way that she did mine, but I like to hope so. For a few days, we were both comforted in each other. For a few days, although in pain, we were able to smile. We were able to talk about things that most of our other friends and even family didn't understand. We built a bond. I don't know where this person is today, but I hope she's well. I certainly do miss her...

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