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person speaking with two speech bubbles, one is light and the other is dark

I will never take ownership of Crohn’s

I believe that words have incredible power. I believe that words themselves can literally change the atmosphere and energy in a room. And I also believe that words can affect a person’s heart and soul whether positive or negative. This is why I am especially careful in what I let come out of my mouth.

The power of the words we speak

Taking note of what you are speaking out is not only wise but extremely responsible. I was particularly impressed by a sermon I recently heard about the power of words.

An example that was given was that God himself said: “Let there be light” and there was light. Signifying that words themselves have the power to create a physical change in the atmosphere: in this case, the presence of light. Let that idea sink in for a second. It’s pretty profound.

Think before you speak

In this day and age of the internet and social media, there is a new meme every second of the day. One that I particularly liked and saw recently was the reminder of thinking before you speak.

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In other words, before you say something, let your thought go through these three gates before speaking: is it true, is it helpful, is it kind? If not, don’t say it! Don’t speak it out.

Speaking positively or negatively

Lastly, a scripture I am reminded of is when thinking of this topic, is from Proverbs 18:21, saying: “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Meaning what you speak out can bring you life or death.

Are you speaking out positively or negatively? Are you creating an atmosphere around you that is productive or unproductive? What are you doing with your words?

Not letting Crohn's take me down negatively

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s and IBS in 2011. I was 21 years old. And I remember back then, I made a promise to myself that I was not going to let this diagnosis take me down.

I was going to do everything in my power to heal and move forward. To live my life the best I could. I wasn’t going to mope or feel sorry for myself. I was going to try and win.

Staying positive through the hardest times

Now, I will say, this has been the hardest journey I have fought so far in my life. I have had moments of very high highs and extreme lows. I have experienced deep depression and awful feelings of hopelessness.

But! Even in the midst of those lows, I never spoke out words like: “I am never going to get better,” or “this is my fate and I just have to live with it.” Oh no, I kept silent, because I didn’t want those words lingering around me and creating negativity.

I refuse to take ownership of Crohn's

Another big rule I had was I never ever wanted to take ownership of my Crohn’s, in the sense that I didn’t want to claim it as mine by saying words like “my Crohn’s.”

I have always been careful to say: “I was diagnosed with Crohn’s, etc.” Because let’s face it, I don’t want it!  I don’t want to call it mine.

At any moment, if it can be eradicated from my body, I want it eradicated. I want it out!

Don't make Crohn's harder on yourself

I guess my point is, be careful with what you speak out. Speak life and positivity to your situation. Crohn’s is hard, don’t make it harder by enwrapping yourself in negative thoughts and words. Be a beacon of light for yourself.

You got this. You are stronger than you think. And I believe there is always, always hope that you will improve and your situation can turn around.

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