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The Walk This Sunday

It’s here, its finally here!  This Sunday March 21st is the CCFA Philadelphia/Delaware Valley Chapter Walk for a Cure.  I really enjoy this, for many of reasons.

The first reason is that I enjoy it is because it brings together all my family and friends.

I have lots of family and friends who travel from many different parts of the United States.  Although most are from the Midwest and east coast, many travel up to eight hours to join me on this day.  My family and I always have a big dinner the night before.  We gather to laugh, cry, and to enjoy each other’s company.

The 2nd reason why I really enjoy the CCFA walk is because of the wonderful stories I hear during the “speakers,” session of the day.

Before we physically walk, the CCFA has many speakers that tell their personal story, their personal battle with IBD.  Each story is unique and brings a tear to my eye.  I often can relate to their stories.  When we proceed to walk around the Phillies ball park, I make sure I go up to those people to chat with them.  I make sure to first thank them for having the courage to speak in front of thousands of people.  I then ask them follow up questions, because I want to know what they are going through.  If I can give them a few words of encouragement, share with them a related story, then the conversation is a success.  Some people don’t want to be bothered, and that’s ok too! They feel that they already did their good deed, so let me go on with my family and friends.  I understand that.  I back off very quickly, and I never take it personally.

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I think the CCFA does a wonderful job catering to the needs of patients who are walking that day.

Since it’s at the Phillies baseball park, there are a TON of bathrooms.  And since there is only a few thousand people there, there are many stalls to choose from. Not having to wait in lines for the bathroom is such a wonderful thing for me.  Not having to use Port-a-Potties is another wonderful thing.  And, the bathrooms are clean!

The day is great! It's full of fun, food, and activities.  Also I enjoy talking to the venders that set up their booths.  For example, last year a company brought their product in that sold electrolyte powder to add to your water bottles.  It was friendly to my system and  I now use this product, especially as we head into the summer months.  Lots of booths have free giveaways too!  Everybody loves them right?

The CCFA can be a backbone to a disease that can be crippling.  It’s a lending ear.  They do wonderful things like the Take Steps walk.  My life would not be as great as it is today if it wasn’t for this supportive organization.  It has got me in touch with the most wonderful, caring, and healing people I have ever met.  This will be my tenth year my team is walking.  There may not be a cure today, but we are making progress raising money to find that ultimate cure for IBD!

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