Williamsburg-Roller Coasters
As stated in the last article, I and two other counselors took a group to Bush Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia.
In this piece, I want to speak about how hard it was for me to go through the theme park and water park, with all the pit stops along the way. When we got down to Williamsburg on Tuesday, we first dropped off our bags at the hotel, and then we caught a twenty-five-minute long shuttle ride to the park. As soon as we got there, the first thing I had to do was run to the bathroom. I think that I was anxious to begin with, so that just made me have more stomach issues.
Roller coasters
I love roller coasters. I love the suspense, the twists, turns, loops, and drops. But let me tell you, it can do a number on your stomach. I don’t get nausea. I honestly believe that roller coasters are too fast, and the ride is not long enough to make somebody vomit. I could be wrong, though, and that is just my opinion. Roller coasters can rattle things around in your stomach well enough to make you have to use the bathroom almost immediately after you go on the ride. Well, at least that is what happened to me!
I am sitting on one of the greatest roller coasters in the country, and as it’s twisting and turning, I am trying to make sure I don’t go to the bathroom on myself. Also, I am so glad that I know how to do kegel exercises because if I didn’t I would have had many accidents. I had to make more stops than usual in the park that day. It seemed like every time we got off of a ride, I found myself in the bathroom. Once again, I felt bad holding people up from having fun, and I stressed to them that they could go ahead of me and I would catch up. Nope, none of the counselors or campers were leaving me behind. That really made me feel good and gave me a sense of belonging.
The water park
When we went to the water park, I believe I was having a flare up. We had pizza the night before, and even though I should have stayed away from that, I had it anyways – my fault. At the water-park, I had a couple of bouts, which made me run to the bathroom quite a few times. It is always uncomfortable when you are in a wet bathing suit walking around right? It causes chaffing and can be quite painful. Imagine that, and multiply it by ten. That is how I felt, as I had to deal with the irritation from cleaning my backside every time I went to the bathroom. At one point, my co-counselor made a joke that I was walking like a duck.
I couldn’t wait to back to the hotel to shower and change into dry clothes. I am glad I spoke up, as the original plan was to head to another activity before changing. I think I spoke for everyone. Overall, it was a great trip. Knowing that I have all of the support makes me even more excited for the future.
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