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"I did something that I needed to do...had a good cry today. The tears were of both relief and the fear of the unknown. In three short weeks, I'll have a permanent end colostomy from the descending colon with a protectomy. The rational brain knows this is the best possible thing for me, and yet, the controlling part of my personality is really dreading all of the unknowns. Any words of support or sage wisdom(s) are very much appreciated."

  1. Sometimes a good cry is so needed! We know how scary the unknowns can be, you aren't alone in feeling this way. There are so many people here who understand what you're going through!! Will you keep us updated on how you're surgery goes, if you can? We're all here and thinking of you.. sending you best wishes for a speedy and successful recovery <3 - Pam (team member)

  2. Been there!! You got this. Lots of support here if you have any Qs!
    ~ Sahara (Team member)