Does this sound like Crohn's?
My name is Ana and I'm 25 years old. And here's my story so far..
A month ago I had a mild fever, and felt sick so I thought it was covid symptoms so I went on medication for it. I felt fine the next day but then I noticed aphtes in my throat. I didn't put much attention to it since I've had them all the time since I was a kid, as well as many members of my family. Whenever I'm sick or stressed I get 4 or 5 at the same time but never in my throat. So, some days later I started with the diarrhea, yellowish and like 10x a day. I also started to feel a lot of nausea and loss of appetite. I got off my meds (I was taking A LOT OF THEM) and I got my appetite back and the nauseas went away too. But, my diarrhea stayed until today.
Last week I went to a GI and he said one of the meds I was taking causes a lot of diarrhea (colchicine), and along with all the antibiotics I took, that was the reason my intestines were not working well.
He gave me some medication, like probiotics and stuff. Since being off meds, the diarrhea did get a little better. Not so much frequency and urgency but still loose and yellow stools like 3 or 4 times a day.
I had stool and blood tests, everything came back normal.
I have been researching about Crohn's disease and I feel like I have it.
Never have had tummy problems before, except for two times last year when I experienced constipation for 2 or 3 weeks. But, I just made some changes in diet/hydration habits and that cleared it up.
I haven't had any pain are all, nor bleeding.
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