I got my Crohns under control naturally!

I had no idea I had Crohns until last year, at 60 yrs old, I had emergency surgery for a ruptured bowel. Had 18 inches taken out of my small and large intestine. They immediately put me on Humira...after which 6 months I went off of it due to side effects. It was AMA due to the severity of my Crohns. I have always been pro active about my health...I had someone tell me to eat raw cannabis leaves in smoothies or tea. I tried it for a week on, week off and to my surprise, the raw leaves stopped all IBD within 24 hrs.

Still not satisfied until after 6 months I went in to draw blood to test my inflammatory markers...and they were normal AND in fact lower then when I was on Humira.

Hope everyone else has the same results!!


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