IBD or not IBD, that is the question

I’m currently in the hospital (again). I fainted on the toilet. I came to the ER with pain and bloody diarrhea. They did a CT and said I have colitis. My stool Lactoferrin was positive. I don’t have a fever, nor are any of the bacterial tests coming back positive.

It sounds like Crohn’s, but...

I just had a colonoscopy that was negative (except for lymphocytes). I’ve had dozens in my life. Though they have found erythema and jejunal ulcers, they said that I don’t have Crohn’s. I’ve been tested for Celiac and even pancreatic enzyme deficiency.
I’m disabled. I’ve been battling chronic diarrhea for decades. Now I don’t know what to think. If it’s not an infection, and I don’t have IBD, what is the “colitis”?

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