42 year IBD veteran but still frustrated

Diagnosed at 20 with Crohn's, board member of a local CCFA chapter, led support groups, etc. I got my ileostomy in 1992, fine for a decade and about nine years of problems since the biggie. I have had pyoderma gangrenosum below my stoma, under the pouch faceplate, (ouch!), for over five years. Kenalog injections, oral steroids, re-siting the stoma, methotrexate, Cellcept, and currently modified cyclosporine which makes me incredibly fatigued, zombifies me really.

My PG dermatologist wants to switch to Stelara but I have Medicare and don’t qualify for the Stelara $5 coupon program and make too much money for other programs, @#$%^! So I am, (fill in the blank).

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