Diagnosis and Flares

I was finally diagnosed with Microscopic Colitis after two years of hospitalization. Tests, pills that did not work, MRI’s, colonoscopies, all came out negative, ending in a wrong diagnosis. After all this I was still living in the bathroom, in pain and afraid to leave my house.

I was put on Asacol for almost two years, not changing my situation. After 3 colonoscopies in four months, between my family doctor and GI doctor, who finally took a biopsy that showed pathogens Imbedded in the 3rd layer of my colon, invisible to all the others tests. My GI doctor prescribed Budesonide Cap twice a day. Within 3 days I started getting better and went into remission.

Now 3 years later, I am mostly in remission, but have flares for which I take Hyoscyamine w/gas-x, and Budesonide. Within a week I am back in remission. Fatigue is big in my life and am constantly forcing myself to live a normal life. I try to fight the fatigue with coffee, a diet of veggies, fruit, little meat, water, and wine twice a week to be sociable. I have GERD, so I try to avoid triggers such as tomato sauce and chocolate.

I think Microscopic Colitis is either rare or a misdiagnosed type of IBD. If you are told all your tests are negative, think to request a biopsy of the colon wall.

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