1992-1993 The year my life was turned upside down.

It all started in November 1991 when I felt tired all the time. In January 1992 I started having bloody diarrhea and no appetite. I went from 100 t0 70 lbs and I was so weak. I couldn't do my job as a preschool teacher very well.

I went to my primary doctor and the nurse thought with all the bleeding I was having my period. The doctor was no help either. Fortunately my sister who was a nurse said I needed to see a gastroenterologist. I met him in the ER and was told I needed to be at the hospital immediately. I went in that night and the next day had emergency surgery where 18 inches of my intestines, which were inflamed, were removed as well as my appendix. The next thing I knew I had an ostomy.

Back in 1992 the wafer was such you felt like your skin was being pulled off and many times the ostomy leaked. They did not have much information on how to live with an ostomy. I hated every moment of wearing the darn thing. Fortunately it was temporary.

My J-pouch

In 1993 I had a j-pouch procedure which allowed me to go poop normally. I now have a pouch specialist and take cipro, entocort, and Stelara. I have trouble eating many foods and my diet is bland and boring, but I put myself on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and seems to help some.

A few years ago I was diagnosed as having crohns-colitis. With my pouch, I have narrowing of the terminis ilium. Everyday I am grateful to be alive because that day in 1992, I didn't know from my weak condition if I would live.

I don't complain much. I try to live a healthy lifestyle and I walk everyday unless symptoms are such I can't. I drink lots of water and try to eat 3-4 balanced meals.

Just remember all you IBDers, you are braver than you than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you'll ever know.
From A.A.Milne who wrote the Winnie the Pooh stories.

Never give up hope for a cure.


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