Progress after reading the recent science research

Some readings and strategies that have helped me make excellent progress getting off drugs for ulcerative colitis


Read the recent research at these links.

I eat prebiotics and probiotics now.


To supply food (ie, insoluble fibre) for the good bacteria. What are the soluble fibre contents of various foods? I aim for low total fibre (less than 4 g/cup of soluble + insoluble fibre), and a good proportion soluble fibre. Carrots and spinach are good examples of veggies to concentrate on eating.


The good bacteria. I eat regular doses of a fermented food to supply the good bacteria. I try to eat organic, low sugar (less than 4-5 g/100 ml) natural yoghurt several times per day. Also, I have been taking probiotic capsules.


I avoid high FODMAP foods. The aim with eating low FODMAP is to avoid lots of over exuberant fermentation in the gut.

In summary, my diet now consists of low FODMAP foods that are also low in total fibre and have a good % of soluble fibre.

Recently my symptoms have been suggestive of irritable bowel syndrome. Imodium and lomotil seem to have good success treating that. That is my finding as well. That is the only drug that I am using now after a month on the above diet.

I feel:

1. Disgusted with the ignorance of a specialist in gastroenterology
2. Very sorry for folks who have colitis and are not able to access or read the recent scientific studies
3. Optimistic that I have beaten ulcerative colitis

Very best of luck to everyone.


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