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Difficulty Finding Help

I've posted before that I suffer from Radiation Colitis after radiotherapy for bowel cancer. I had my 4 yearly check up last week, was pleased to get the all clear, but could not interest the doctor at all for referring me on for the colitis. He seemed to think it was just something that I have to live with. (Oncologists believe that if you don't have cancer you're not sick... lol).
Is this common? Has anyone else been told to just deal with it yourself?
I live in a "developing country".

  1. No, definitely colitis is something that needs to be taken care of. Maybe you can FaceTime with Holistic doctor in the states? You need someone to teach you how to nourish the gut and heal it from the colitis. Fermented foods, probiotics, unprocessed foods, aloe vera, L-Glutamine, Colostrum, hydration, Vitamin D, CBD. Things like this. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I have a friend, a Vietnamese lady, who is a qualified holistic medicine practitioner in the States, I've had a bit of diet advice off of her but she tends to push high fibre food which as most of us know, does not usually go well.

      1. Yes for someone with IBD high fiber is a big no, at least that has been the consensus between the Nutritionists I have worked with. I learned from them that fiber itself is not bad of course, but for a diseased gut it only causes more pain as it is difficult to digest. Once the gut is healed you can introduce fiber back. -Elizabeth (team member)

    2. Many thanks for your advice Elizabeth.

      1. Elizabeth...I am brand new (joined last night) and so happy to hear all of your diet ideas working for you. I am starting a journal but literally at square one. This is super encouraging. Ty.

      2. You are so welcome! I wish you the best of luck. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Best, Elizabeth (team member)

    3. Thanks, some good suggestions there.

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