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Has anyone ever been unable to so much as simply 'sit down' without experiencing excruciating pain?

(In their abdominal area, lower right side to be specific).

Serious question. Is this something indicative of what IBD sufferers experience?

  1. You should definitely get imaging done to see what is causing the pain. You can certainly have this pain with IBD but for example I've never experienced this and I was diagnosed with IBD. So in other words, just because you have this pain does not mean you have IBD--it could be so many things which is why imaging is very important. Are you prone to abscesses? -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. IBD affects people in different ways. I have definitely experienced periods in which pain has incapacitated me. I am in the UK, so was prescribed some pretty heavy pain medication to allow me to function.
      - Sahara (team member)

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