I’m 20 years old and I’ve recently been diagnosed with Crohns around 8 months ago, I’ve had stomach issues my whole life so getting the diagnosis wasn’t a shock or too much of a hit to my confidence (I’m very much used to and comfortable discussing everything ‘poo’). Luckily I have a high pain threshold and have been used to the multiple and urgent bathroom trips my whole life, prior to my diagnosis. The one thing that has really got me down recently is the intense fatigue, I’m sometimes sleeping 23 hours a time and I’m still exhausted when I wake up. I’ve always been a sleeper but never been so tired to the point where it’s seriously compromising my university work (studying law) and my positivity, something I have always upheld without conscious effort. I’m having to ask for a lot of excuses to be made for me with missed deadlines and missed classes and because I dont really see myself as having a condition or ill (having been this way most of my life) I feel embarrassed and annoying to have to be asking for exceptions and extensions due to my lack of ‘get up and go’, if you will. I’ve just finished a 6 week course of prednisolone which I’m not sure even worked as I had to take a break for a few days due to the azathioprine I take alongside making my very nauseous and physically sick unexpectedly after 3 weeks of taking it. I have now been moved onto mercaptopurine which I took for the first time last night, luckily I’m not feeling sick, YAY. If anyone has any tips with fatigue that would be amazing as it’s really affecting me mentally which has never been an issue for me, and any other little tips if you have any gems of wisdom you’d like to share with a ‘new’ crohnie...
Many thanks
Felicity ❤️ Xx