Hi , thanks so much for reaching out! Unfortunately, one of the most frustrating parts of inflammatory bowel disease is that everyone is different when it comes to how they manage this condition. What one person can tolerate eating might be completely different for another person, making it very difficult to say what you, specifically, should or should not eat. This condition also comes with a lot of trial and error! Some members have resorted to keeping a diary of what they've eaten and how they feel after. This could be helpful to determine what triggers your symptoms and what does not.
We have heard from many community members that sticking to a BRATS diet can be helpful (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, soup) during or after a flare, but again, this isn't the same for everyone.
I'm including a Featured Collection of articles that we have on our site with many articles written by our advocates. Many of whom have discussed foods that have been either helpful or harmful.
I'm also including a link to info regarding symptom management: https://inflammatoryboweldisease.net/treatment/symptom-management
I hope this helps to provide some further insight! Please feel free to reach out to us anytime and keep us updated on how you're doing! -Pam (team member)