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I've been told got ibd by doctor

My doctor said I've got ibd back July 2nd 2024 and sent urgent colonoscopy but I'm not going get appointment till at least September but because got pain in right side abdomen weight lose and feeling sick is trying rush through under cancer even tho we know it's not I'm wondering which ibd I've most likely got any ideas

  1. Hi . It is good to hear that you are getting evaluated. I know your symptoms will sound familiar to many in the community. As to what type of IBD you may have, I need to note that we are not medical professionals and, for your protection, cannot offer medical or diagnostic advice. That said, I can share with you this article from our editorial team which gives an overview of the different types of IBD: Hoping you get answers and can start on an effective treatment soon. Please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how you are doing. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Thank you Richard yes I'll keep you updated and thanks for the link

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