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Looking for answers!

Hello, in 2023 I had a period of around 8 weeks with mucus and blood in stool. I did stool samples which were clear for infections but my calprotectin was recorded as >1800 and my fit test was 177. I was then given a colonoscopy which they found was clear and removed one polyp, I also had an MRI which showed nothing out of ordinary.
Fast forward to now and I’m having the same symptoms, blood and mucus and smaller stools, I have been checked for infection again and clear so now have to wait another 3 weeks before they do the fit and calprotectin test. Do these symptoms fit colitis and is it possible to have it but then have a clear colonoscopy? I can’t understand why this is happening to me again after having a year of being fine

  1. Hi . Your confusion and frustration are certainly understandable. Did the doctors have any thoughts on why the test results were high in 2023? Concerning the FIT test, while it is used for bowel cancer screening, this article notes that "A positive quantitative FIT test result may be caused by several other gut-related conditions such as gastritis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A positive result may also be due to haemorrhoids or peptic ulcers:"
    Concerning symptoms, I want to share with you this article from our editorial team which gives an overview: Also, you asked about the colonoscopy. Do you know if a biopsy was done to check for IBD? I also want to share with you this article from our patient leader Amanda on when a colonoscopy doesn't have the answers and alternatives:
    I hope this information helps inform future conversations with your doctors. Wishing you the best and please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing and to ask additional questions. Richard (Team Member)

    1. Sorry you are going through all of this. Were biopsies taken during your colonoscopy? That is an important detail to ask your doctor. -Elizabeth (team member)

      1. Hi both,
        After the fit test and calprotectin test I was just referred under 2 week cancer fast track. I had colonoscopy and then MRI both normal apart from the small polyp.
        They took biopsies to see if microscopic colitis but again it was clear. I didn’t have any follow up was pretty much told I was ok but now have all the same symptoms again.
        I’m just annoyed really I have to wait until I’ve had it for 6 weeks for the referral because if they are just small flare ups I’m worried it will have cleared up again by the time I’ve had next referral and colonoscopy

        1. I hear you. That is so frustrating. I'm wondering if you can get another opinion from another GI? Sometimes it takes another set of fresh eyes to get a different perspective on your case. The good news is that your colonoscopy is clear and there is not damage to your colon from what you are describing from your results. That is certainly a plus.

          I do wonder if perhaps your issues lie further up in the small intestine rather than the large intestine. A colonoscopy only shows the colon. But above is a lot of real estate concerning your small intestine. Perhaps ask your doctor to do a pill cam test. This is a pill you swallow that has a camera inside. It will take imaging of your entire digestive system offering a more comprehensive look. I have had this done and it is very easy to do. In this test, you will see all of your small intestine.

          Lastly, have you thought of working with a Dietician and/or a Naturopathic Doctor? I also saw these professionals along with seeing a GI and it was the best decision I made.

          Elizabeth (team member)

        2. Hi . Just to follow up on what Elizabeth said, I thought you might be interested in this article from another patient leader Holland on her experience with a pill cam: Hope this information is helpful. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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