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Newbie diagnosis 2 years prohctius

Hi I was diagnosed with IBD 2 years ago and was prescribed suppositories which never really helped I did not get much help from gp as all they wanted to do was check I never had cancer (4times) grrr I didn't finally have an ibd nurse although only voicemail contact I have now been prescribed steroids for 8weeks does anyone have any experience with these any help would be much also having to take time of from work with this condition can my employer sack me for time off even if they they know my condition thanks again Jason.

  1. Hello, Jason (), welcome to the community here, and thanks for reaching out. You are definitely not alone in finding that the initial course of treatment for your IBD has not helped manage your symptoms. Unfortunately, for many in our community, it can take awhile to find a treatment that really helps manage symptoms (although for some lucky ones that first treatment does help).

    While steroids are not typically used as a singular long-term treatment for an inflammatory bowel disease, they are often used as a short-term treatment. I'm sharing a link here with more information on steroids for IBD, Many people here have had a course of steroids to try to help bring inflammation down, so I hope that some of them can reply here and share their experiences with you. Also, one of our advocates wrote a great article about the pros and cons of steroids and how she has a love/hate relationship with them,

    Also, as you mention worrying about work, I wanted to share this article with you about IBD and work/school, There are laws in place that keep employers from being able to fire employees for medical conditions. Here is a link to more information about workplace rights, I would definitely recommend reaching out to an attorney or your HR department if you have specific concerns about health accommodations for your job.

    I hope this information can give you a starting point. Please, if you're comfortable, keep us posted with how you're doing, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have other questions or could use some support.

    Wishing you a gentle day. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. Thanks Christine for for your information on this I will keep you posted on my progress only 2 weeks in on steroids and things are already looking up I do not have joint pain whatsoever it is like a miracle drug but we will see what happens further down the line I just hope my IBD team will stay in contact and not just leave me like they did before thanks again

      1. oh I’m so glad that you’re getting relief! I do hope things continue to move in the right direction and you notice fewer and fewer pain and symptoms.

        I absolutely hope your IBD team stays in contact! Are these the same doctors you had before who left you or is this a different team? Please know that it’s okay to be the squeaky wheel (so to speak) if you don’t feel your doctors are responding. You deserve to have a team that supports you and is available when you have questions and concerns.

        Of course, this community is also here for anytime, so please don’t hesitate to reach out her too.

        Sending you gentle hugs — Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. Thanks for your support 🙏 it means a lot

      1. Hi . So glad to hear that you are getting some relief from the steroids. I don't know if your new IBD team has mentioned that steroids, while often very effective for flares and gaining initial control, are not considered a long-term solution. I want to share with you this article from our editorial team on treatment: and this one on medications for IBD: Hopefully this information can help inform future conversations with your team as you develop a plan. Please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing and to ask questions - this community is here for you. Best, Richard (Team Member)

      2. you are so welcome! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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