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Newbis trying to get more information on IBD.

I am currently in the process of trying to get a proper confirmation for IBD and getting nowhere. Does anyone have a high Calprotectin.

  1. Hi , I'm so glad you reached out. Although I can't speak to your situation specifically, a high calprotectin typically indicates inflammation somewhere in the digestive tract. A lot of our community members here have had their calprotectin test come back high, although just because it comes back high doesn't always mean it's caused by an inflammatory bowel disease. (I'm linking an article here with more information, Hopefully some of our community members here can also share their experiences with calprotectin tests with you.

    Can I ask what types of procedures or tests your doctor has done so far? Unfortunately many of our community members find getting a diagnosis to be challenging, you aren't alone! I'm also sharing a link to more information on ways to get a diagnosis, Please don't hesitate to reach out here anytime! Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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