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Has anyone used oregano oil for IBD? I'm scared of killing off what's left of the good bacteria
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kellymae Member
Last Updated:
Yes,I use Oil of oregano and it helps me tremendously!!I also add back SBO Probiotics!
Sahara Fleetwood-Beresford Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
I have not, and I haven't actually seen anyone else mention that they have either.
There are many complimentary treatments that people with IBD find help ease some of their symptoms, but it's a very individual thing.
- Sahara (team member)
thedancingcrohnie Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
I haven't used Oregano Oil but I have heard many who have and have had great results. Don't quote me on it, but it only kills the bad stuff. It doesn't act like conventional antibiotic. Definitely google it to make sure but that is my understanding. It's the beauty of using natural things.
Good luck!
Elizabeth (team member)
Matt Nagin Moderator
Last Updated:
So basically I used to visit an alternative doctor who was an M.D. and licensced acupuncture but also very open to alternative remedies. She retired I believe (if you want her info DM me). Anyway, she ran a full metabolic test on me and the type of bacterial overgrowth I supposedly had--something like SIBO--was supposed to respond well to Oil Of Oregano.
Hence, I bought some of it and have been using it ever since when I see an increase in symptoms. My feeling is it does something, it helps, but it is not a cure-all by any means. Basically, as far as I can tell, it is not as powerful or effective as something like Cipro or Metronidazole (conventional antibiotics). Then again, it doesn't have the negative possible side effects of those drugs. So it is a tradeoff. What I like to do is use the Oil Of Oregano first before going to the antibiotic...if necessary.
I think it is a good thing to have in a treatment arsenal. But it really depends, I hear, on your exact intestinal flora, so you should consider testing to make sure you are a good candidate for it. In my case, I don't know I'm still a good candidate for it, for sure, honestly, but I was in the past, and, given that my symptoms are repetitive, that is good enough for me to guess I generally am again.
Hope this helps!
Matt (Team Member)
Matt Nagin Moderator
Last Updated:
Also, you might want to look into DMSO! That's another alternative treatment that some people claim has helped.
Matt (Team Member)