Planning Events with Crohn’s: Stress Lowering Tips

Planning a wedding (or other major events) as a healthy person can be stressful, but planning a wedding with a Crohn’s diagnosis can be extra stressful. Thankfully so far, planning my September wedding has been pretty seamless. Mostly because I am making it a point to not take the small details too seriously.

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s back in 2011. I have had over a decade of figuring out that keeping my stress levels low is a must when trying to control symptoms. When I am overly stressed symptoms love to erupt, and soon after a flare is usually quick to follow.

This or That

Has urgency ever crashed one of your major life moments?

So how have I been keeping level headed throughout planning this important event?

Planning events with Crohn's

Don’t get overwhelmed with the details

I am naturally a relaxed person and always like to keep a broad perspective if things ever go array. For example, if I am late somewhere because I am stuck in traffic. I make it a point to not get worked up, and I always say to myself that where I am in the moment is exactly where I am supposed to be. I take deep breaths and when I get there, I get there.

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I am taking the same concept with wedding planning. For example, I was struggling with figuring out the pairings of linens, and charger plates and silverware. And things weren’t turning out as I wanted but the moment I found myself getting a little stressed, I kept telling myself not to get overwhelmed. No one is going to remember the small details, they will only remember how they felt that day and if they had fun or not.

Know that in the end, it will always all work out

If things start to go south, and for example like in my case, I ordered an overskirt for my wedding dress and the shade of white was not the shade I was expecting. Right there I could have stressed out, but instead I took a deep breath and called the seamstress and came up with another solution. In the end, things always work out.

Stay organized

Staying organized always helps keep stress levels low. When you have a plan and know what needs to get done, the day goes smoothly. So far, I am prepared with lists, and with each day I slowly check things off which offers great relief. Leaving things to the last minute kicks up anxiety and symptoms will ramp up as well. Stay organized.

Plan safe meals and bathroom stops

Help yourself out by planning safe foods throughout the day and knowing where bathrooms are located. I spent a day wedding dress shopping in a town about 45 minutes from my home. I had meals planned and knew where bathrooms would be. This made the day go smooth as I was hydrated, had proper food and never felt stressed about where I could have a bathroom break.

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Help yourself out

Overall, despite being diagnosed with Crohn’s, life still goes on. Those big moments like anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, holidays, will always pop up. Help yourself out by staying in a positive mentality, organizing yourself, planning safe meals for the day and having easy access to bathrooms.

Question for the reader

How about you? Any tips on planning a wedding or another major event while being diagnosed with Crohn’s or colitis? Share below, we love to hear from you.

Treatment results and side effects can vary from person to person. This treatment information is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Talk to your doctor about what to expect before starting and while taking any treatment.
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