Gut-Friendly Hydration Smoothie with Watermelon garnish

Gut-Friendly Hydration Smoothie

Well, folks, it's the final days of the hot summer months, and you know what that means. It's even harder to stay hydrated than usual. I drink tons of water and electrolyte drinks, but some days I just can't seem to catch up.

A recent spell of dehydration inspired me to come up with an easy drink that I could make at home that would help me stay hydrated. I decided to use kefir as the base for the smoothie, as it is full of probiotics, which aid digestion. It's also low in lactose and there is some evidence to suggest that it may also help reduce inflammation. The watermelon and celery both have high water content, and the ginger gives it a nice kick of flavor while adding additional anti-inflammatory properties.

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The recipe may sound a little weird, but it's surprisingly good and quite refreshing on a hot summer day.

Serves 2
1 cup per serving

Ingredients for my gut-friendly hydration smoothie

  • 1 cup low-fat (1%) plain kefir
  • 1/2 cup diced watermelon (seedless or with seeds removed)
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/8 tsp grated fresh ginger
  • Ice (optional)
  • Fresh mint, to garnish

Directions for my gut-friendly hydration smoothie

  1. Add kefir, watermelon, and honey to the blender.
  2. Wash well and trim off the bottom inch of the celery, as well as any leaves at the top of the stalk.
  3. Roughly chop the celery and add it to the blender.
  4. Peel the and grate the ginger, and add to the blender.
  5. If you are using ice, add it to the blender now with the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Place the cap tightly on the blender and blend until smooth and there are no chunks remaining. Pour into 2 glasses, garnish with the fresh mint, and enjoy!

Nutrition facts

Per Serving

  • calories: 103
  • carbohydrate: 18.5g
  • cholesterol: 5mg
  • fiber: 1.9g
  • protein: 5.9g
  • saturated fat: 0.8g
  • sodium: 71mg
  • sugars: 15.1g
  • total fat: 1.1g

Disclaimer: does not provide any express or implied warrant toward the content or outcome of any recipe.

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