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A quick question about possible delayed growth with IBD

My question is whether it is likely or unlikely for me to continue growing in height at my age (21) given delayed growth due to IBD.

A quick note about my situation. I was diagnosed with indeterminate Colitis when I was 10 years old, I had a rather serious case of it but mostly kept it under control with steroids and other medication. When I was around 14/15 my case became very severe, I was underweight at around 105lbs at 5'6, and my severe case lasted until I was 19 and I ultimately had my large intestine removed, in which since then I have been healthy and actually have become a bit overweight. My doctors throughout my experience told me that my growth could be delayed, but I was wondering if that could still be effecting me now that I'm 2 years healthy at the age of 21. Im about 5'8 and haven't grown since I was 17 (2 years before becoming healthy). Is it possible to continue growing in height given the circumstances? or should I just accept my height now lol

  1. Hi , what an interesting question! And, I wish I had an answer for you 🙁 Have you brought up your most recent curiosities with your healthcare team? 10 years old is quite a young age to be diagnosed with such a severe disease. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling healthy and well! Will you keep us updated with what you find out?? Sending well wishes to you - Pam (team member)

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