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Is anyone else trying a natural approach?

I just started a flare and I feel awful. Is there anyone out there that is not using conventional medicine and trying a holistic approach? Would love the support. I was diagnosed at the beginning of the year. I’m 58 years old. I think I have had this since my early 30’s. No test showed anything so I was told I have IBS. However, now I’m bleeding and though I had cancer, Did a colonoscopy, The doctor said no cancer but you have Crohn's. Any advice or support would be great. I was offered a steroid but I’m not willing due to already been diagnosed with osteoporosis.

  1. There are IBD doctors who incorporate east and west medicines into their practice.

    1. Hi Kegles, there are doctors who incorporate east and west medicine as part of their practice. - Holland ( Team Member)

      1. Hi Kegles, thanks so much for your question and I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well =( I hope some of our community members will weigh in with what works for them, but in the meantime, I wanted to share some articles that you might find helpful.

        Please keep us updated on how you're doing, if you can. We're here for you! - Pam (team member)

        1. Hi Kegles,

          I want to first say that I am sorry you went through so much trying to get to a diagnosis. As an IBS-D & IBD patient, I wanted to let you know that it is very possible to have both. The immediate reaction brought on by stress and lack of sleep, can often lead to IBS flare. The longer term inflammation is associated with IBD. I understand not wanting to take steroids, they can be murder. There are a plant based medications called, biologics, that lock in and get to the root of the problem with autoimmune diseases. You can also start with fortifying with vitamins your doctor deems safe, eating foods that are good for your body specifically and eliminating triggers. Start by keeping a diary and find a doctor who does eastern and western combination practices, there are some G.I's who do. Also try and find an IBD dietician (not a nutritionist). There is a good one on Twitter named Kelly Issakson. As well as a host of doctors who specialize in IBD, and have great information on multiple ways to combat IBD. I would stay away from gimmicks, chiropractors and pyramid scheme supplements that advertise as curing IBD. There is no cure for IBD. But I'm sure you can find some great treatment to help alleviate your symptoms.
          -Brooke ( Team Member)

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