Hi, this is my first post here.
I’ve been suffering with a myriad of symptoms for the past 2 years, spoken to many (many!) GP’s, had many tests and scans and everything usually comes back ‘normal’.
I finally spoke to a GP that seems to be more knowledgeable than the others I’ve spoken to previously who, on listening to me talk about my symptoms, immediately said he thought I might have IBD. He requested a full blood count and a stool sample. I haven’t actually spoken to him again (appointment is coming up soon) since the results have been returned but my GP surgery called me back and said my GP requested to speak with me about referring me to the Gastroenterology department. I asked them if my stool sample had come back positive, to which they replied it had. My bloods showed higher than normal inflammation (this is the only thing that sometimes comes back high, not always though). So I’ve been in a bit of a tailspin ever since!
My symptoms are wide and varied, the worst being the abdominal and rectal pain. I get a really deep ache right under my ribs and sternum, all the way across, basically where my bra sits. Sometimes it’s after eating, sometimes when I haven’t eaten yet. It will also go into my back at times. Then there is the rectal pain! My goodness, this has been so debilitating at times. At one point I couldn’t sit down without the burning pain starting! It’s also made worse by exercising. I keep everything very soft but I get excruciating pain when going to the toilet and for a little while afterwards in the saddle area. I’ve had awful rectal spasms too. Just recently I started seeing small amounts of bright red blood, although it appears to be only occasionally. No urgency to go or anything like that but I do suffer on and off with diarrhoea and have done for years, this was always put down to IBS and anxiety.
I’ve had lots of other symptoms too, like coccyx pain, lower back pain, tingling in my lower legs and feet, very mild nausea, tongue/throat/lungs sometimes feel ‘weird’, headaches, developed chronic moderate dry eyes, achy muscles etc. All within the past 2 years. The ‘IBS’ symptoms I’ve had for about 8 years and 6 years ago I developed psoriasis so I’m now thinking that if I do have IBD then I probably had that before the psoriasis.
Has anyone else had similar symptoms to mine? The abdominal pain this week seems to have gone up a notch as it seems to be stretching from my ribs all the way down to my lower abdomen and I don’t usually get constant, achy pain there (only cramps when I have diarrhoea). Feels almost like a pulled muscle? My entire abdomen also seems tender to the touch.
Whilst I’m glad that I might finally get some answers for all these weird symptoms, I’m also worried about what the future has in store for me, I’ll be 40 soon so not a great way to start a new decade.
Thank you for reading and apologies that this has turned out to be quite a lengthy first post!