Active yesterdayKnock-down, drag-out FATIGUETell us: What does your fatigue feel like? (And if you have any tips for combatting it... Lay 'em on us!)...Reactions0reactionsComments157 repliesSymptoms
What are your strangest IBD symptoms?IBD has some weird symptoms that only we would understand. What strange symptoms have you experienced? Have any surprised you? How do you manage them?...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesSymptomsLesser Known Symptoms
Do you experience any unexpected symptoms? What is an unexpected Crohn's or UC symptom that you have experienced or are experiencing, and how do you manage it?...Reactions0reactionsComments83 repliesSymptoms
Crohns and total colectomy My husband had a total colectomy in 2011. Since then his symptoms just get worse every year. The past 2 years have gotten so bad hes had to quit work...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFlare-UpsSymptomsTips & Advice
In your opinion, what is the worst symptom of Crohn's or colitis?What is the number one symptom you wish would just instantly disappear?...Reactions0reactionsComments268 repliesSymptoms
What are some infusion medication for Crohns disease?I am currently using Pentasa for my Crohns disease, but with an MRI my gastro guy says there is active inflammation. I had been using it for at least 10+...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesDiet & NutritionSymptoms
FeaturedNewbie looking for help.Hi.. I'm a first time poster. And to be honest I'm not certain I have IBD. I've had distended intestines off and on for many years, that were not much...Reactions0reactionsComments29 repliesFlare-UpsDiagnosisSymptoms
Intermittent pale grey stoolsHaving intermittent grey pale stools? Causes?...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptoms
Severe and permanent bloatingHello, I've had moderate to severe UC now for the past 5 years and taking Vedolizimab which has kept it in check for the past 3+ years. It gave me...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesSymptoms
I am on a rollercoaster since July- last test next week Hello! I am new here and I started this journey of finding a disgnosis since July 4th- major flare. I also have seconday progressice MS for almost 30 years. So...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesDiet & NutritionDiagnosisSymptoms