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Staying Hydrated Is My Biggest Struggle With Crohn's

Staying Hydrated Is My Biggest Struggle With Crohn's ...
What have everyone found to be the most effective methods. practices & products? Please help, I'm literally drinking 2 gallons of water everyday and still getting dehydrated, daily!

  1. Hi . You definitely are not alone in struggling with hydration. I wish there was an easy, one size fits all, but there may certainly be some variation in needs and what works. I want to share with you this article from our patient leader Stephanie on her experience: In addition, in this article patient leader Eshani discusses her recommendation of electrolyte powders: Also, here is Marisa: I hope these articles give you some good ideas and that others chime in with their thoughts. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Definitely try electrolyte drinks/powders. See if they help. Plus, I will add that my husband just had colon surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. The doctor recommended that his hydration didn't just have to come from water. Because of his surgery, he can get easily dehydrated. So, the surgeon recommended not only electrolyte drinks but also fruit juices, yogurt-based drinks, broth, coconut water, vegetable juices (like V😎, milk (if you're not lactose intolerant), and nutritional drinks such as Boost or Ensure. He was given tea, broth, fruit juices, and Boost in the hospital while he was in recovery. Remember to avoid caffeine. It tends to dehydrate the body. I hope this helps! Please stay in touch and let us know how you're doing. --Traci, UC-IBD Team Member

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