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Been on Remicade for about 3 months for UC-looking for others feedback

I have moved onto Remicade after failed experiences with Humira, Entivio, and Rinvoq for my treatment of UC! (got blood clots from Rinvoq) I am now on Remicade for about 12 weeks. Results on my UC are somewhat better, but I am getting lots of side effects such as some nausea and a lot of muscle and joint pain. I also get tired easily. Has anyone who has been on Remicade had these symptoms and did they at some point go away? It seems like very day I have to expect the unexpected as its like a rollercoaster of challenges and not always sure if its the UC or the medication. I would love some input as it can be very depressing not knowing from day to day how I am going to feel.

  1. Hi . Have you had a chance to bring these potential side effect to the attention of your doctor? I have seen reference to joint and muscle pain, nausea, and fatigue as potential side effects. These, particularly the fatigue and nausea, should subside. Given that you said you have been on it for 12 weeks it is important to mention these issues to the doctor. Our patient leader Traci wrote about her experience with Remicade here: and Vern here: Hopefully others will also chime in. Hope this information helps and that you can get some more definitive answers from the doctor. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Thank you Richard! I have, but probably need to have more conviction in my messaging.

      1. Also, the articles were interesting! I guess trying to find the balance is the toughest part. I am probably right now most bothered by the persist joint pain and not sure if its the remicade or the UC

        1. it certainly can be tricky to know whether a symptom is a symptom of the condition itself, or a side effect of the medication. In fact, the distinction between the two is something that so many people here understand and can relate to. Joint pain can be a part of living with IBD, one of our advocates wrote about his experience in this article,, but, as Richard pointed out, it can also be a side effect of Remicade. If you haven't already, a conversation with your doctor might better be able to help you determine what is causing the joint pain, and can help you address it. Please, if you're comfortable, let us know what you find out! Wishing you a gentle day. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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