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Did my GI doctors do a colonoscopy too soon?

Is it possible for a doctor to do a colonoscopy too soon? Resulting in nothing showing up on the colonoscopy? Looking for answers!

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  1. Hi Joejax24! Typically inflammation is key for a diagnosis (among many other things). We hope to help answer your question - what is going on right now? Symptoms, etc? Here is some information regarding IBD that you may find helpful in reading;
    Also - info on diagnosis of IBD;
    Meagan, Team Member

    1. Oh man,, anemia, low iron in all ways( ferritin, saturation,,) abdominal pain, blood in stool sometimes, diarrhea with light yellow brown color, mucus in stool, my knees hurt and hands, cpr and esr levels are high, my look blood shot, get dizzy. Feel tired and I yawn a lot. Probably more I could share gotta check my notes

    2. Hi ,

      Have you had a pill cam done? It may be that you have inflammation elsewhere in your digestive system rather than your colon. It could be your small intestine that is effected.

      Always dancing,
      Elizabeth (team member)

  2. Yes I have. My doctor actually Just call me today so I just picked up a stool sample and I’m scheduling a CT scan now

    1. Hi ,

      I know it's so frustrating not having answers straight away. A colonoscopy may not have given you answers, but fortunately there are so many other options. A pill cam, stool sample and blood test options are all possibilities.
      (Team Member)

      1. Yes I have, it showed little inflammation due to excess acid production he said, didn’t say much about it. I just had my results come back from stool sample, Negative as well. I’m wondering if it’s arsenic poisoning. I work in an automobile factory assembly. I due have little whites spots on tip of finger nails with horizontal ridges

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