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Is anyone on disability due to their crohns disease?

I've had crohn's since 1991 and have been through so much. Surgeries, hospital stays, fistulas more surgeries. I have recurring fistulas now and cannot work. I'm told to sign up for disability but have been denied in the past and am a little discouraged by it.

  1. Hi - thank you for sharing your question! I don't have personal experience with disability so I'm hoping you'll get some personal responses as well but in the meantime, I wanted to share a series of articles written by one of our advocates. I'm hoping you find them helpful!

    Please keep us posted!
    - Susan ( Team Member)

    1. I'm on long term disability through the company I worked for due to Crohn's disease and several other auto immune diseases.

      1. Hi there. I have been on government SSD for several years now due to Crohn's and other conditions that go with it. It is true you will get denied. Pretty much everyone gets denied the first time and even the second time. If you have doctors who feel your disabled and have Medical documentation to show the extent of your illness and any complications then you will get approved. That's the key. Doctors in your corner, medical records and patience but persistence. Most I know go through the process then after the 1st or 2nd denial they then get a disability lawyer. Their stamp on the paperwork usually gets things moving along. And they only get paid if you win. Their fee will come out of your awarded back pay. The process is purposely made difficult and confusing in hopes people will just give up. Any more questions just let me know.

        1. I also have been on SSD for a few years now due to Crohn’s disease. I was denied the first time and then I got a lawyer- she filed for me the second time, and it was approved. I ended up paying less than $100 in legal fees, so it was completely worth it.

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