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Do you feel exercise provides benefits for people with IBD?

Hi All, My partner and I both suffer with IBD, him with Colitis and myself with Crohn's and both have completely different symptoms, however we have both found that exercise helps us both with symptoms staying more under control and also mentally.

Although exercise helps sometimes it is impossible to do it, either from flare ups or physically just not having the energy to get up and go!

I am currently at college doing my HND Fitness, Health & Exercise and completing my Graded Unit, which we have to pick a subject to basically investigate and then decide at the end if we agree or disagree with the findings.

I have chosen to use IBD as my subject as its personal to me and also to find out from other people who suffer from this if we feel the same. There seems to be very little in the way of research done of the effects of exercise in people suffering from IBD.

I have put together a form with some questions, basically just to find out if anyone feels exercise helps them, if they have had to stop exercising due to IBD flare ups and if it affects your fitness level?

I would be more than grateful if any of you could take 30 seconds to answer these questions to help me out and I will get back and let you know my findings when complete.

Many Thanks in advance

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