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First colonscopy for suspected IBD (and cancer fear)

I'm 26 (UK) and after a few years of abdominal issues my GP finally referred me to a gastroenterologist. He found slightly raised calprotectin levels (193) and has referred me to a colonoscopy.

My symptoms: pain in lower left and lower right abdomen, almost 'full' or swollen feeling in both areas (with no visible growths etc), stomach cramps, diarrhoea/constipation, anal fissures, bloating, stomach noises in colon, fatigue, joint pain, nausea.

I am terrified! My main fear is the pain. I get awful pains in the lower left and sometimes lower right of my abdomen. They can be shooting pains out of nowhere, and it can sometimes hurt / feel a pressure in those areas when I walk. I'm just so worried about any potential pain, especially as I don't know what's causing it.

I'm just so worried about it. I'm fed up with the pain and symptoms so I need to get this checked out, but naturally I'm worried about it all, especially if I have cancer (my half-uncle died of colon cancer in his early 30's)

How did people feel during their first colonoscopy? Any advice or tips about this?

  1. HI @joeys! Thanks so much for reaching out. It sounds like you have so much going through your head, rightfully so. Not feeling well is a lot to process and brings on a lot of stresses. I'm hoping some other community members will be able to chime in and give you some insight on what they've experienced and done in the past. I also encourage you to check out our forums page where you can search prior posts and look for articles that may be able to offer you support. As scary as it may be, you should definitely reach out to your doctor and get something on the calendar to discuss what you're feeling and experiencing. From there the two of you will build a plan of action to get on the road to finding relief. On a personal note, and again this is just my personal experience, I had no problems with my first colonoscopy. The prepping for it was the hardest part, lol! Once the procedure was done we went to the mall and had Chick-Fil-A for lunch 😀 Please keep us posted and let us know if you need anything. Sending hugs and positive vibes your way! -Beth (Team Member)

    1. my first colonoscopy, I was actually so unwell I was pretty out of it anyway. I had someone holding oxygen next to my nostril... The pain was bad anyway, and I don't remember the colonoscopy making it any worse.
      I know you're worried, but the colonoscopy should heopfully be the first step towards treatment. First, they need to identify what's going on.
      Hope all goes well!
      ~ Sahara (Team member)

      1. The prep is far worse than the experience. You will most likely be "out" for the procedure. Before they "go in", be sure to push them to grade your condition. They didn't do that for me and so there is no real baseline against which to compare subsequent results.

        1. I forget that in the US colonoscopy is pretty much always done with sedation. Here in the UK, we can choose whether to have sedation, gas and air, or go without. I always just got with the gas and air because it means I get in and out sooner!
          ~ Sahara (team member)

      2. Hi , thank you for sharing your concerns! A colonoscopy can feel like a huge undertaking, especially when you have concerns about what the doctors will find. However, I have had quite a few colonoscopies and the experience is generally positive. The prep can be hard as others have said, so be sure to have some of your favorite drinks available (as long as they fit your doctor's instructions). For me, the scope is always like the best nap of my life and afterwards I generally feel good within the hour. Many of doctors will tell me their preliminary findings right at the end of the scope anyway, which helps me get a sense of what to expect in the coming weeks as the biopsy results come in too. I almost always get pizza after, haha! Please keep us updated on how your experience goes. - Eshani ( Team Member)

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