I'm 26 (UK) and after a few years of abdominal issues my GP finally referred me to a gastroenterologist. He found slightly raised calprotectin levels (193) and has referred me to a colonoscopy.
My symptoms: pain in lower left and lower right abdomen, almost 'full' or swollen feeling in both areas (with no visible growths etc), stomach cramps, diarrhoea/constipation, anal fissures, bloating, stomach noises in colon, fatigue, joint pain, nausea.
I am terrified! My main fear is the pain. I get awful pains in the lower left and sometimes lower right of my abdomen. They can be shooting pains out of nowhere, and it can sometimes hurt / feel a pressure in those areas when I walk. I'm just so worried about any potential pain, especially as I don't know what's causing it.
I'm just so worried about it. I'm fed up with the pain and symptoms so I need to get this checked out, but naturally I'm worried about it all, especially if I have cancer (my half-uncle died of colon cancer in his early 30's)
How did people feel during their first colonoscopy? Any advice or tips about this?