Awaiting gastroenterologist, high calprotectin but afraid of them finding nothingHi folks, I’ve had IBD type symptoms for decades but have always been brushed off with IBS diagnosis. I had a colonoscopy about 4 years ago which found nothing but...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesDiagnosisTestsTips & Advice
Confusion about proctitis diagnosis.Hello forum, I'm still on the journey towards a diagnosis. I've been in and out of flares for the past 3 years. I had a colonoscopy in June 2023; I...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesFlare-UpsTestsDiagnosis
Biopsy results - what is well healed chronic inactive colitis cannot be ruled out meansI have been on UC medication for the past 3 years and 6 months (using both oral and suppository). When I had a colonoscopy in 2022, I had active colitis...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDiagnosisTests
Do I keep advocating for myself as I am struggling in expressing the severity of how unwell I am Hello, I would really appreciate any guidance and advice as I am so lost. I was first referred on urgent suspected cancer pathway for a slightly raised FIT of 27...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesDiagnosisSymptomsTests
Child symptoms and how to get a diagnosis. Hi I’m new to the forum but am looking for help with my daughter (just turned 5). From age 3 she started having stomach pains and persistent diaorrhea (5+ times...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosisSymptomsTests
Possible chrons for my 14 year old Hey everyone’ We’re at the very beginning of this journey, months of being told tummy bugs and IBS. Today I put my foot down with the gp and said enough...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesDiagnosisLiving with Crohn's DiseaseTests
Advice please?Hi all. I'm just looking for some advice if possible. My mum who is in her 50s has had bowel issues on and off for a couple of years (urgency...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesDiagnosisTestsSymptoms
Symptoms Hi everyone. Apologies for the long post but here goes. I’ve had frequent diarrhoea for months now - with urgency being a common feature - along with pain in my...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesSymptomsTestsDiagnosis
'very non-specific inflammation' ?? Hi all, hope you're all well and battling on.... Today I received an email from my gastro team after a recent small bowel MRI scan, they said my results showed...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesDiagnosisHealthcare TeamTests
Ulcerative Colitis - Abnormal stool test and occult blood came positiveI have been using Ulcerative Colitis medicines for the past 2 years (taking mesalamine 1.2g tablets 4 per day). Early this year I was doing very well and the stool...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesTestsTips & AdviceLiving with Ulcerative Colitis