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Hi everyone. Apologies for the long post but here goes.

I’ve had frequent diarrhoea for months now - with urgency being a common feature - along with pain in my left side - to the side of my tummy button. A few weeks ago I had a perianal abscess which was treated at hospital. I haven’t had any weight loss, however my stomach has gained weight, if that makes sense. I visited GP who ordered full bloods and stool samples, both of which have come back within normal ranges. I’m now reluctant to go back to the GP as I don’t want to waste their time but my symptoms haven’t improved. I still experience frequent diarrhoea and open my bowels at least three times a day - more if the diarrhoea is bad, still have left-sided pain in my tummy/abdomen and generally feel rubbish.

From what I’ve read online, weight loss, blood in stools, and things showing up in blood work and stool samples are fairly common but as I don’t have any of these, I am reluctant to seek further help or waste anyone’s time.

Any help or advice would be really appreciated.

Thank you for taking time to read this.

  1. You don't need to apologize. From what you are saying, I would definitely go back to your GP. Blood in stools and a perianal abscess is a warning sign in my opinion. Sometimes blood work can come back as "normal" and still have something wrong. Better to be safe than sorry, you're not bothering anyone. If you procrastinate, like I do, it could turn out worse.
    Vern - IBD Team Member

    1. Definitely go back and ask for more testing or repeat of tests. I would push for a colonoscopy with biopsies. You need more answers. You are having symptoms so they need to get to the bottom of it. -Elizabeth (team member)

      1. I have learned over the years that if something doesn't feel right, it isn't right. I've had tests come back completely normal to find out later that I was right and the tests were wrong. Go back and tell them something still isn't right and ask what the next step is. I've learned that you really have to advocate for yourself. I hope you get answers and feel better soon.

        1. This is such a great suggestion and tip. You are so right. Sometimes certain test come back normal but that doesn't mean there isn't something going on in your body. If you aren't feeling right, like Kaye says, something isn't right and it is just a matter of uncovering it. -Elizabeth (team member)

      2. In AE husband drove me in should off got a ambulance 100 in front 😒 could be 7 hrs should I stay or should I go

        1. Hi Sharon, I'm checking in to see how you are doing. I hope you got the support and help you needed at AE! -Eshani (IBD Team Member)

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