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Frequent infections and infliximab

Hi, I’m due my fourth infliximab infusion next week for the treatment of fistulas brought about by crohns. I haven’t experienced any improvement and still have frequent, aggressive infections. I’ve been asked to tell my IBD department if I have infection as it may mean that the infusion needs to be delayed. Has anyone else experienced this, I’m almost always in a state of being in flare or a new abscess or existing fistula being inflamed. At this rate I’ll never have an effective dose of infliximab.

  1. Hi . Biologics certainly can make a person more susceptible to infection and you are not alone with the issue/question about taking the drug with an infection. Our patient leader Kelly J. wrote about it here: You mentioned that this would be your fourth infusion, which also raises the question on whether the treatment is effective for you. Julie Marie wrote here about the need to switch biologics: Don't hesitate to ask your doctor if your treatment regimen should be adjusted or changed. Hoping you can get some answers and relief soon. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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