My father got diagnosed with Crohn's disease last August. After trying various medicines and steroids for 11 months , our 2nd doctor finally put us on Biologics ( Adalimumab ) . He got us checked for underlying TB ( Tuberculosis ) with Mantoux and QuantiFERON tests because apparently Adalimumab is bad for someone with underlying TB and both came negative . Now , he has prescribed Adalimumab 40mg with 4 at first and then 2 and eventually single 40mg injection every 2 weeks along with a medicine called R-cinex everyday before breakfast which is a medicine used to stop having TB infection but my Father doesn't have any TB infection. My question is , has any of your doctor also recommended having TB medicine along with Humira or remicade without having any TB at first place of is it just my doctor and is it even Safe to have TB medicine without even having any underlying disease.