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Helps with husbands suspected ibd

Hi all I’m a first time poster I need some advice so my husband has been having bowel issues for about 2 months now it started off with little bleeding and red stools… went to the GP they did bloods and a stool test and it come back as high calprotecten levels which were at 374..
Since then he has been referred to gastro under urgent it’s been 3 weeks and still have heard nothing

Fast forward to now he’s having loads of blood with every bowel movement.. he’s bottom hurts him and it’s not his drops it’s enough to cover the toilet water to red.. he has mucus which is red and he has tummy aches severe fatigue and generally feels poorly.. we went to A&E and they just did he’s bloods as said go home and wait for gastro… he’s GP said it is IBD and not cancer because of this stool test ? But it’s scary seeing all this.. I come across this site hoping someone can shed some light

We just feel neglected from everyone and isolated it’s a horrible place to be

Thank you xx

  1. Hi . First, let me say that your concerns for the symptoms your husband is experiencing are certainly understandable and it is great that he has you advocating and seeking information on his behalf. I need to note that we are not medical professionals and cannot provide medical advice over the internet. That said, I want to share with you this article on IBD symptoms: I can also tell you that many here will recognize your husband's symptoms.
    Concerning the diagnosis, It does sound like the GP started off with the basic elements and it is good that your husband got the referral to the gastroenterologist. This article discusses the diagnostic process: I hope this can be helpful in informing future conversation with the gastro. Please don't hesitate to be that squeaky wheel in getting the appointment scheduled. Also, if the date ends up far into the future, don't hesitate to ask if they have a cancellation list - some community members have had luck getting earlier appointments this way. In the mean time, it may be useful to ask the GP or the gastro's office what can be done to help in the interim. Hoping your husband can get some answers and relief soon. Please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how things are going and to ask additional questions - this community is here for both of you. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Hello and welcome, . I just wanted to echo Richard and let you know that you aren't alone. Your fear and concerns are certainly valid and understandable given your husband's symptoms. Please don't hesitate to reach out to your husband's GP and/or the gastro office directly. Unfortunately, I have heard of situations where referrals get missed. (I'm not saying that's what happened here, only want to mention it as a possible reason it's been so long and you still haven't heard from them.) I do hope that your husband can get some answers and some relief soon! It is heartbreaking to see those we love in pain and feeling so unwell. Please know this community is here for you! Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

      1. Hi , I just wanted to check with you. How are you and your husband doing? Have you heard anything from the doctor? No rush on responding, I certainly don't want to add to any stress on you, but I just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you both. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

        1. Thinking of you and your husband . Rooting for you both. Here is an article that goes over diagnostic testing that you might find interesting to read:

          Sending hugs your way,
          Elizabeth (team member)

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