Hi all I’m a first time poster I need some advice so my husband has been having bowel issues for about 2 months now it started off with little bleeding and red stools… went to the GP they did bloods and a stool test and it come back as high calprotecten levels which were at 374..
Since then he has been referred to gastro under urgent it’s been 3 weeks and still have heard nothing
Fast forward to now he’s having loads of blood with every bowel movement.. he’s bottom hurts him and it’s not his drops it’s enough to cover the toilet water to red.. he has mucus which is red and he has tummy aches severe fatigue and generally feels poorly.. we went to A&E and they just did he’s bloods as said go home and wait for gastro… he’s GP said it is IBD and not cancer because of this stool test ? But it’s scary seeing all this.. I come across this site hoping someone can shed some light
We just feel neglected from everyone and isolated it’s a horrible place to be
Thank you xx