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How Can I Deal with This Intolerable Anorectal Discomfort, Burning and Pain?

I'm 27, male. I've been suffering from Crohn's for the last 9 years (diagnosed in 2020). It was pretty manageable until the last year when it began. I started feeling a burning sensation inside my rectum, followed by a stabbing pain on the right side of the rectum. I've had hemorrhoids since the beginning with Crohn's. So, my doctor suggested visiting a doctor for hemorrhoids, and I followed his advice. I switched to a fiber-rich diet, which helped but not much. The stabbing pain on the right side stopped, but I started feeling a burning sensation throughout the whole day. It's regardless of bowel movements. I feel the burning even on my skin when I sit.

I have second-grade prolapsed internal hemorrhoids, and I thought the hemorrhoids were the cause. But a colorectal surgeon told me it's not because of the hemorrhoids but maybe due to Crohn's. So, I visited the Crohn's doctor again and did some tests as prescribed—fecal calprotectin, colonoscopy, and some blood tests. Before the tests, they had prescribed me Mesacol suppositories, and I used them for two months without any improvement. The tests showed normal findings. So, my Crohn's doctor said it's because of hemorrhoids, but the hemorrhoid doctor said it's not due to hemorrhoids. I think it's not due to hemorrhoids as this whole day-long burning sensation isn't typically related to hemorrhoids.

So, I asked my Crohn's doctor if I could try steroids (ever since I had steroids only once, when I was diagnosed in 2020, it was about a 3-month dose). But they refused to prescribe steroids. I can't make them understand how it feels. Out of desperation, I even visited a neurologist who prescribed medicines. I have been taking the medicines for a week but haven't seen any improvement yet.

What I found is that the source of my discomfort is inside the rectum on the right side, and it radiates. I feel discomfort on my skin if I sit, like the part of the skin that touches the chair burns. I even feel discomfort in my whole right leg. I'm pretty sure the discomfort originates from the right side of the rectum, but for mysterious reasons, the tests didn't find anything. Now it's getting worse. I feel pressure on the rectum in the morning, and I have to go to the toilet again after one or two hours of the first bowel movement. I feel discomfort around the anal region, and the area heats up. Sometimes I feel discomfort even in the lower back hip. Sometimes I see blood during bowel movements. Either on the skin or the rectum or both- the burning sensation is there. I visit doctors, and they give me the same statements. I'm so frustrated and on the verge of giving up. Has anyone dealt with this?

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