Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis this past year. Allergic to mesalamine and budesonide did not work. Prednisone taper and remicade initially helped. Recent flare slowly resolving with Prednisone and Remicade and Vancomycin. Got my calprotectin level down to normal in mid June after a high of 2000 in March. One dose of doxycycline for a tick bite on 6/14 started a flare and probably CDiff again.
Anyone notice a burning sensation inside your mouth? Anyone using mega spice probiotic and mucosal healing drink powder? I am 66 and still trying to wrap my head around all of this. I read that some of you eat potatoes- how about rice? I'm currently following SCD and on Vancomycin (3rd dose in a yr. due to appearance of C Diff on 3 sigmoidoscopies). I hope to get off infusions and progress to oral meds as we will lose our insurance when my husband retires in the next 6 months. Any advice or experiences you share are appreciated.
I am humbled by the courage, persistence and struggles everyone here describes. Has anyone heard of or tried the ‘Briggs Protocol’’, daily sunshine and microbiologist Michelle Moore’s protocol for CDiff?
Thank you for your patience with my questions and your responses!
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