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IBD and acne treatments

Hey everyone,

I was recently prescribed (about a few months ago) some clindamycin cream for my folliculitis after seeing a dermatologist, but when I read the leaflet it recommends not using it if you suffer from UC. I therefore didn't take it as I was a bit anxious to, but when I spoke to my GP they shrugged it off and said it should be fine (the doctor I spoke to is kind of useless tho at the best of times).
However my folliculitis is really flaring up lately so I'm wondering if I should maybe try and talk to the GP again (maybe a different doctor) or if I should just use it? Has anyone been prescribed anything else in place of this after being in a similar situation? Thanks!

  1. If it says not to take it if you have UC it is for a reason. I would definitely talk to another doctor about what you should do and I would ask your dermatologist for another option. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Thanks, unfortunately the dermatologist discharged me straight away so I'd have to get a new referral which could take some months again, but I'll probably have to speak to another doctor.

      1. Ugh, I'm sorry to hear this. Maybe there is some sort of online community you can ask concerning the skin issue? Just a thought. Maybe through others sharing you can see another treatment option then see if there is a warning for UC on that one? Just thinking out loud. I hope this gets resolved soon. -Elizabeth (team member)

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