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Hi I am new to this and just wanting some advice I’ve had symptoms of what I thought was ibs for a good few years now, my dr gave me loperamide, I have been self treating my self with this medication from a family member who also suffers, however I’ve been really poorly lately and reached out to the drs they have gone mad that I have been taking this medication and not told them as I’m on other medication aswel for depression and anxiety, I am waiting for tests to be done but I’m experiencing a lot of symptoms and not sure what it could be my symptoms include Dizzyness, diarrhoea, anxiety, rapid heart beat, some times constipation when taking the medication, my skin has started to break out in boils and itchy blister like spots on my feet, I’ve lost my appetite and lost over a stone in a few weeks, I’ve had pain starting in the middle of my stomach then moving down to the right bottom side (about 3 times this has happened) does anyone know what this could be, I’m having to stay off work as I’m so dizzy

  1. I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing all of these symptoms. I truly hope the tests prove to have some helpful answers as to why you are experiencing these symptoms. As we cannot offer medical advice via the internet, for your safety. However, others still may weigh in with any relatable experiences. Again, truly hope you find some answers soon. Hugs, Jessica, Team Member

    1. So sorry you are going through this. I hope the tests come back with answers. Wondering what your diet looks like at the moment and if you are doing any alternative therapies to help. Sending strength your way, Elizabeth (team member)

      1. it's always best to let your doctor know if you take any other medications that have not been prescribed - including herbal stuff and supplements, as some can interact with each other.
        Have you spoken to your doctor about the dizziness? It could be a deficiency such as Iron.
        How are you doing now?
        ~ Sahara (team member)

        1. Thank youse I am wondering are spots a sign of crohns? I get big boil, blister like spots that are very sore and ulcers in my mouth

          1. Unfortunately yes. Skin issues are a symptom of Crohn's. In my personal journey I deal with ulcers in my mouth during bad flares, along with hives/boils on my arms. Here is an article that you may find interesting: I hope you feel better today. Hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

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