Hi . Your concern about the MRI missing evidence of IBD is certainly understandable. As a non-medical professional I can't say the likelihood of the MRI providing the evidence for a diagnosis. I do know that getting a diagnosis can be difficult. I want to share with you this article from our editorial team on the diagnostic process: https://inflammatoryboweldisease.net/diagnosis. Mind if I ask if you are seeing a gastroenterologist? I ask because they are specialists with expertise in the disorders and diseases that affect the digestive system. The article mentions the biopsy from the colonoscopy, which many have noted can be very helpful in getting a diagnosis. I know this isn't really answering your question on the MRI, but what I'm noting is the need to be dogged in seeking all the necessary avenues to get answers one way or another. I hope you can get some answers soon and please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing and to ask additional questions. Best, Richard (Team Member)