I have recently been diagnosed with crohn's disease. It started out with me having mild pain in the center of my abdomen radiating to my back. I recently had a baby and thought maybe it was some weird constipation thing. At first it was only so often then became more and more frequent. Then in January 2021 the pain started becoming more substantial, I wasn't able to sleep and it then became more widespread pain throughout my abdomen. Eventually I went to ER where after a CT scan they told me that my appendix was inflamed and part of the colon next to the appendix. They determined it had to be appendicitis so I had an appendectomy that night. The initial dr. I saw at the ER said I may want to follow up with GI after surgery, even though all other doctors and surgeon said it was definitely appendix and not to worry about crohn's. Well about a week after my surgery I started having a lot of cramping abdominal pain and also back pain(felt more like super tense muscles in my back). I decided to go to GI and oddly enough after that week I was feeling a lot better and almost decided I didn't need to go to doc. But after that appt. She wanted to do a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy which I did, even though my symptoms had been very minimal.
I was very surprised to find out that they suspected crohn's right away. They said severe inflammation in the cecum and listed off several erosions they found in various parts of the colon. They did do biopsies which my doctor then said that really confirmed the crohn's diagnosis. Even though I wasn't quite sure what they said, still haven't seen the report. She also indicated its in the moderate to severe stage. And that she wants to treat really aggressively with injections right away and that she doesn't think any pill will help at this point.
They also found a duodenal ulcer during the endoscopy which I'm assuming caused the pain that I originally felt in the center of my abdomen.
I just am having the hardest time wrapping my head around it. I have been talking to a lot of different people who have crohns and there symptoms were so much more severe than I have been experiencing. I really don't have diarrhea and I wouldn't consider it constipation either. Other than the couple weeks of abdominal pain, I have been feeling pretty good. I have not noticed a difference between any food I have been eating. Maybe slight gas pain like, but nothing horrible. I just wonder could this doctor be wrong? She wants me to start on medication right away. I am so hesitant to do this especially since I'm not in incredible pain. I am breastfeeding and am so concerned about the side effects short and long term of medication. The worst complaint I have is the extreme anxiety and depression and sleeplessness that this diagnosis has caused me! I read so many people saying it took them years and years to get diagnosed with crohn's. Couldn't the doctors be wrong with me? Should I wait to start medication? Please help if you can, this has truly been devastating to me, I feel I can't trust what my doctors tell me. They are so quick to dismiss anything that could help naturally. I have asked her to run all other blood tests and stool samples which she did and everything is coming back fine.