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New to IBD

Hi, My bowel movements changed last Xmas. Very suddenly for no reason found myself sitting on the toilet with diahrea for hours then the bleeding started. I was taken to hospital which I was kept in. They said I had Pancolitis. I was put on all sorts of meds. Then another episode again with the severe pains but this time I was severely constipated. Again was kept in they said I had left sided colitis. I have had many flare ups in between but now seem to manage them by upping my meds and enemas seem to help me alot. Still having lots of tests as the consultant is not sure if I have ulcerative colitis or Chrons. IMy life has changed I have lost weight. I never know when my flare is coming and definitely do not plan a holiday anymore. Looking forward to seeing my consultant next month hopefully I will have the diagnosis I deserve. Any advice is very welcomed.

  1. I'm sorry to hear you are having these symptoms but I can relate. My symptoms came on suddenly and similar to yours. Crohn's can have constipation but not as much as colitis so, to me, it sounds like colitis but your GI would know better of course. Do you have pain when you eat? I suggest keeping a food diary to track foods and drinks and if they cause problems, dairy, spicy, etc.
    If your tests are still inconclusive, ask your doctor for a small bowel follow-through, PillCam, or gastroscopy.
    Unfortunately, it's hard to detect a flare but the food diary could help you avoid certain foods to lessen the chances of a flare.
    I too lost a ton of weight, mainly because I stopped eating because of the pain, and it is definitely a hard disease but we are all here even though we suffer differently (but similar)
    I would definitely start a food diary if you haven't already.
    Let us know how you get on
    Vern - IBD Team Memeber

    1. Thank you for your reply most grateful. I personally have noticed when the tenderness comes in my tummy I know it's a start of a flare. So I call my IBD nurse then I up my meds which helps. But when I get the spasms this is excurinating pain then I know my inflammation levels are high. I do keep a diary and I have noticed if I eat pastries, bread, pasta,chicken, potatoes this sort of food I am good. Cannot eat my favourite chocolate anymore, fruit,veg. All unhealthy stuff I can do. Sometimes I reach also after opening my bowels which I have told IBD nurse. I have actually vomited as well. Hopefully will get a diagnosis next month. I hope you're health is behaving. Keep positive.

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